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Version: v3

Multiplayer Introduction

Multiplayer is a backend service specifically designed for multiplayer online games by TDS. Developers don't need to build their own backend systems; they can easily implement features such as player matching and real-time battle message synchronization using cloud services.

Core Features

  • Player Matching: Match players together to play games either randomly or based on specified criteria. In online battles, the matching functionality brings players about to play together into the same room (Room). For example, in games like "Identity V," "Honor of Kings," and "PUBG," players can quickly match with others by clicking "Quick Match," and they all enter the same room to prepare for the game. Players can also create rooms and invite friends to play together.
  • Fast Battle Message Synchronization: Real-time bidirectional communication between the client and server is achieved through WebSocket channels, ensuring that all in-game messages are quickly synchronized.
  • Game Logic Processing: Multiplayer provides MasterClient as the client host for controlling game logic. All in-game logic is managed by the MasterClient, and in case the MasterClient unexpectedly disconnects, the client with the best network status will be automatically switched to MasterClient to ensure smooth gameplay. Developers can also choose to implement game logic on the server side (server-side game logic support is under development).
  • Multi-Platform Support: Perfectly compatible with Unity and Cocos Creator, supporting multiple platforms.


  • Supports dynamic scalability to handle massive concurrency with ease.
  • Built on a proven underlying architecture, it has undergone deep optimization and improvements, ensuring stability for handling message delivery rates of up to billions per second.

Core Concepts

Client and UserId

In the Multiplayer service, each terminal is referred to as a "Client." Each Client has a unique identifier called UserId throughout the entire Multiplayer service. This UserId can only consist of English letters, numbers, and underscores, with a length of up to 32 characters and shall be unique within the application. Each game player is definitely a Client, but not all Clients are actual players. For instance, the MasterClient that manages rooms in the Client Engine or self-made AI players are also Clients.

The Multiplayer service only allows one Client to establish a connection with one server at a time. If a Client with an already logged-in UserId attempts to log in again, the second login will kick out the previous one.

Rooms and ActorId

Once players are successfully matched, they will enter the same room to play the game, and battle messages will be swiftly synchronized within this room. Each player in this room has a unique ActorId, which is used for all communication within the room. When a player leaves the room, the ActorId becomes invalid. Upon entering a new room, the player will be assigned a new ActorId specific to that room.

A room can support a maximum of 10 players online simultaneously.

Game Core Process

Here's a simple example code to help you quickly understand the overall process. For detailed development guidance, please refer to:

Connecting to the Server

const client = new Client({
appId: 'your-client-id', // Your game's Client ID
appKey: 'your-client-token', // Your game's Client Token
playServer: 'https://your_server_url', // Your game's API domain
userId: 'tarara', // Set user id
gameVersion: '0.0.1' // Set game version; optional; default is 0.0.1; players with different versions won't match in the same room

client.connect().then(()=> {
// Connection successful
  • You can find your game's Client ID and Client Token in Developer Center > Your Game > Game Services > App Configuration.
  • The API domain can be found in App Configuration > Domain Configuration > API. Refer to the documentation on Domains for more information.

Player Matching

Random Matching

The most common scenario for single players is to quickly match with other players. The implementation steps are as follows:

1、Call JoinRandomRoom to start matching.

.then(() => {
// Successfully joined the room

2、In ideal cases, players will enter a room with available slots and start the game.

// Use the Promise returned by joinRandomRoom to determine if joining the room was successful in the JavaScript SDK

3、If there is no empty room, it will fail to join. At this point we can create a room in the callback triggered by the failure and wait for others to join. When creating the room:

  • You don't need to worry about the name of the room.
  • The default maximum number of people in a room is 10. You can set MaxPlayerCount to limit the maximum number of people.
  • Set Retention time after player dropped. If the player is added back to the room within the valid time, the room will still retain the player's custom attributes.
.catch((error) => {
if (error.code === 4301) {
const options = {
// Set the maximum number of people so that when the room is full, the server will not match new players in.
maxPlayerCount: 4,
// Set the hold time after a player is dropped to 120 seconds
playerTtl: 120,
// Creating a Room
roomOptions: options,
.then(() => {
// Room created successfully

Customised room matching rules

There are times when we want to match players with similar levels. For example, if the current player is level 5, he can only be matched with players of level 0-10, and players above level 10 cannot be matched. This scenario can be realised by setting attributes for the room. The logic is as follows:

  1. Determine the matching attributes, e.g. level 0-10 is level-1, and levels above 10 is level-2.
var matchLevel = 0;
if (level < 10) {
matchLevel = 1;
} else {
matchLevel = 2;

2、Join the room according to the matching attributes

const matchProps = {
level: matchLevel,

.joinRandomRoom({ matchProperties: matchProps })
.then(() => {
// Successfully joined the room
  1. If randomly joining a room fails, a room with matching attributes is created to wait for other people of the same level to join.
const matchProps = {
level: matchLevel,

.joinRandomRoom({ matchProperties: matchProps })
.catch((error) => {
if (error.code === 4301) {
const options = {
// Set the maximum number of people so that when the room is full, the server won't match new players in.
maxPlayerCount: 4,
// Set the hold time after a player is dropped to 120 seconds
playerTtl: 120,
// Custom properties of the room
customRoomProperties: matchProps,
// Select the key for matching from the room's custom properties
customRoomPropertyKeysForLobby: ["level"],

roomOptions: options,

Playing with friends

Suppose PlayerA wants to play the game with his best friend PlayerB, then there are two scenarios:

  • Just two people playing together, no strangers allowed.
  • Friends and strangers playing together
No strangers allowed
  1. PlayerA creates a room and makes it invisible, so that other people don't randomly join the room that PlayerA has created.
const options = {
// Room invisible
visible: false,
roomOptions: options,
  1. PlayerA tells PlayerB the name of the room through some kind of communication (e.g. instant messaging).

  2. PlayerB joins the room based on the room name.

Friends and strangers playing together

PlayerA invites PlayerB via some communication method (e.g. Instant Messaging), and PlayerB accepts the invitation.

1、PlayerA sets up a match with PlayerB to enter a room.

.joinRandomRoom({ expectedUserIds: ["playerB"] })
.then(() => {
// Join Success

2、If there is enough space in the room, PlayerA joins successfully.

// JavaScript SDK determines whether a room has been successfully joined by using the joinRandomRoom Promise.

PlayerA tells PlayerB the roomName of the room it has joined via some form of communication (e.g. instant messaging), and PlayerB joins the room based on the roomName.

  1. If there is no suitable room then create and join the room:
const expectedUserIds = ["playerB"];
.joinRandomRoom({ expectedUserIds })
.catch((error) => {
// No room available or insufficient room space
if (error.code === 4301 || error.code === 4302) {
expectedUserIds: expectedUserIds,

After PlayerA creates a room, it tells PlayerB the roomName of the room it has joined via some form of communication (e.g., instant messaging), and PlayerB joins the room based on the roomName.


For other matching interfaces, see the room matching documentation: JavaScript, C#.

In game

Relevant concepts

  • MasterClient: Multiplayer uses the MasterClient to act as a computational host on the client side, where the MasterClient controls the game logic, such as deciding whether to start or end the game, who should play the next round, how many coins should be deducted from the player, etc.
  • Custom Attributes: Custom attributes are divided into Room Custom Attributes and Player Custom Attributes. We recommend adding game data to the custom attributes, such as the current room map, total coin bet, everyone's cards, etc. This way, when the MasterClient is transferred, the new MasterClient can get the latest data from the current game and continue to calculate.

Starting the game

Before the game starts, it is recommended that each player has a ready status. When all players are ready, the MasterClient will start the game. The room must be made invisible before the game starts to prevent other players from being matched during the game.

Player A sets the ready state by setting a custom property:

// Player setup readiness
const props = {
ready: true,
// Request to set player attributes
.then(() => {
// Setting properties succeeded

All players (including PlayerA) are notified of the event callback:

// Only the MasterClient performs this operation.
if (play.player.isMaster) {
// Check the number of players who are ready in a method you defined; you can get the list of players via
const readyPlayerCount = getReadyPlayerCount();
// Start the game if players are all set
if (
readyPlayersCount > 1 &&
readyPlayersCount ==
) {
// Set the room to be invisible to avoid other players being matched in
// Start the game

Sending messages in game

Most messages in the game are sent to the MasterClient, where the MasterClient crunches the numbers and decides what to do next. Suppose we have this scenario: Player A tells the MasterClient that he is done following cards, then the MasterClient receives the message and informs everyone that the next player to act is Player B.

The process of sending the message is as follows:

1、Player A sends a custom event follow to notify MasterClient that his follow is complete.

// Set the receiving group of the event to Master
const options = {
receiverGroup: ReceiverGroup.MasterClient,

// Set the message to be sent
const eventData = {
actorId: play.player.actorId,

// Set the Event Id
const FOLLOW_EVENT_ID = 1;

// Send event
play.sendEvent(FOLLOW_EVENT_ID, eventData, options);

2、The relevant method in the MasterClient is triggered. The MasterClient calculates that the next player to act is PlayerB, and then calls the next method to notify all players that PlayerB currently needs to act.

// Event.CUSTOM_EVENT method will be triggered
play.on(Event.CUSTOM_EVENT, event => {
const { eventId } = event;

if (eventId === FOLLOW_EVENT_ID) {
// follow custom events
// Determine that PlayerB will act next
int PlayerBId = getNextPlayerId();

// Notify all players that PlayerB will act next
const options = {
receiverGroup: ReceiverGroup.All,
const eventData = {
actorId: PlayerBId,
const NEXT_EVENT_ID = 2;
play.sendEvent(NEXT_EVENT_ID, eventData, options);

3、Relevant methods are triggered for all players.

// Event.CUSTOM_EVENT method will be triggered
play.on(Event.CUSTOM_EVENT, event => {
const { eventId, eventData } = event;
if (eventId === FOLLOW_EVENT_ID) {
if (eventId === NEXT_EVENT_ID) {
// next event logic
console.log('Next Player:' + eventData.actorId);

For more detailed usage and introduction, please refer to :

Disconnect and reconnect in game

If the MasterClient is located on the client side, when the MasterClient is disconnected, the Multiplayer service will pick another member to be the new MasterClient, and the original MasterClient will become a normal member after returning to the room. Please refer to Disconnect Reconnect for details.

Exiting the room

.then(() => {
// Successfully exited the room



  • Quickstart: Getting up to speed with Multiplayer and running a small demo.
  • Multiplayer Development Guide - JavaScript](/sdk/multiplayer/guide/js/): A detailed introduction to all the features and interfaces of Multiplayer.
